As the nation’s combat the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic, RBC appreciates and recognizes the efforts and dedication performed by the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) under Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) personnel which includes Doctors, Nurses, Medical Aid, Support, and Security personnel who continue to operate and stand their ground in the battle against the pandemic. They remain dedicated to their duties, risking their own wellbeing to ensure the safety of those affected by the disease.
On 30th September 2021, Royal Brunei Culinary (RBC) supplied a total of 121 packed meals and mineral water for RBAF frontliners who have worked tirelessly to keep our country safe. RBC employees lend a helping hand in handing over the packed meals to various locations such as Tutong COVID Holding Area at Sufri Bolkiah School, Tutong National Isolation Centre and Tutong National Isolation Centre Extension.
RBC hopes that the gesture of appreciation to recognise the commitment and dedication performed by the COVID-19 RBAF frontliners will benefit them in fighting COVID-19.